
口碑值:84 预约数:1 投标数:0

擅长风格: 现代风格 欧式风格 田园风格 地中海风格

公司地址:上海市浦东新区上南路6108弄28号B区5号 x团平台客服

综合评分 5分
服务态度 5分
施工质量 5分
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作為上海裝飾設計行業內一個較為成熟的企業,惠怡在自我發展的同時,一直堅持進行着有關“設計與施工”、“服務與市場”等領域的理論研究,並把研究成果在第一時間應用 到客戶的端實際需要當中,因此多年來惠怡一直與客戶保持着健康穩定的和諧關係。 

我們擁有專業的設計及施工團隊,結合國內外先進設計理念和優秀設計師,隨時關注着國際設計施工的潮流動向,收集國內外最新的資料並及時 與客戶分享這些信息。我們的工廠通過多年來經營管理培養了一隻經驗豐富的施工隊伍,完全有能力適應各類客戶所屬行業的發展變化。

      Shanghai Huiyi Decoration & Designing Co., Ltd. ,was established in 2002,located in Shanghai, China.The company is the group of Architects, Engineer,Interior specialized in building design and construction project and also in consultant about real estate. all over the years         we have been for many outstanding projects, Professional in multinational enterprises, both at home and abroad to provide interior and Exterior Architecture decoration design and consulting services. Service involved in real estate, commercial building, condominium, apartment, housing, hospital, university, IT, hotel, office, entertainment, makeup, clothing, and many other industries, set a good reputation. Our professional level received widespread praise and recognition .
      As Shanghai decoration design industry a more mature business, HuiYi development all projects design and construction at the same time, to insist on the "design and construction", "service and the market" follow theoretical research, and the application of research results in the first place to the actual needs of the customer's requirement, so for over these years HuiYi have maintained healthy and stable and harmonious relationship with all the customer.
We have international professional Architects & Interior decorator designer and construction team, combined with domestic and foreign advanced design concept and excellent designers, always pay attention to the trend of international design and construction, both at home and abroad the latest information collection and sharing this information with the customer in time. For many years ,our factory through the operation and management has trained a experienced construction team, completely have the ability to adapt to the development and changes of all kinds of customers by sector.


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